Meet the 'Asian Iceman' - Watch Lingohack

Meet the 'Asian Iceman' - Watch Lingohack สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

4 yปี
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Alan Thong – also known as the "Asian Iceman” – practises ice bath meditation, which can be hard to do when you live in a tropical climate. To recreate the sense of exhilaration he experienced in the Arctic wilderness, he bathes in ice back home in Kuala Lumpur.

The story…

Meet the Asian Iceman

Learn language related to…

states of mind

Need-to-know language

refreshed – less tired, reenergised – having more energy
awakening – (here) causing a sudden realisation, awareness or understanding of things
natural high – state of increased happiness or thought without using mood-altering substances
clarity – clearness of thought and understanding
mental strength – willpower, resilience and confidence

Answer this…
According to Alan Thong, what are you likely to feel when you dip into the ice?

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