English Pronunciation Practice: CONSONANT CLUSTERS

English Pronunciation Practice: CONSONANT CLUSTERS สาธารณะ

Learn English with Emma [engVid]

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Do you have trouble pronouncing ‘s’ words in English? Many students find words like street, squirrel, screen, spell, snow, and others difficult to pronounce. That’s because these words have consonant clusters in them. Consonant clusters are two or more consonants next to each other in a word. In this video, we will focus on ‘s’ words that contain consonant clusters, like the “str” in “street” or the “sk” in “sky”. In English, consonant clusters are very common. There may not be any in your native language, which could make their pronunciation challenging for you. But by the end of this video, you will have a solid grasp of the concept of consonant clusters and their pronunciation. Test your understanding with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-pronunciation-practice-consonant-clusters/


Hello. My name is Emma, and in todays video I am going to teach you about pronunciation. Today we are going to talk about something called: "Consonant Clusters". Okay? So, youre probably thinking: "What is a consonant cluster or a consonant blend?" Thats okay, because in this video I will talk about what these are-theyre very common in English-Im going to talk about mistakes people make when pronuncing-... Pronouncing them. Sorry. And then Im going to teach you a great way to practice these words. Okay?

So, lets first learn about: What are "consonant clusters"? Okay, so I have here the word: "snow", "small", "sleep", and "sport". These have something in common. If youre not quite sure, but youre thinking maybe it has to do with consonant clusters, youre correct. Okay? Just like the name of this video, these four words all have consonant clusters in them. Okay? And Ive underlined the part that is the consonant cluster. So, here we have: "sn", "sm", "sl", "sp".

So, to better understand consonant clusters, first we should really talk about vowels and consonants. So, vowels, in English, are sounds that contain either: "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", and sometimes "y". So these are our vowels in English. In different languages, vowels are different; in English, these are our vowels. So, we have here: "o" in "snow" is a vowel, the "a" sound in "small", the "ah" is a vowel, we have the "e" sound in "sleep" is a vowel, and the "o" sound in "sport" is a vowel. So, these are our vowels.

The opposite of a vowel is a consonant. So, consonants are not vowels; theyre pretty much everything else. Okay? So, in English, we have a lot of consonants. "t" is an example of a consonant, "r", "s", "k", "c", "m", "n", "b", "v", "q", "p", "l", and theres so many more. Okay? So, pretty much every other sound that is not these are consonants. So, now weve... So, in this word, for example: "s" is a consonant, "n" is a consonant. In this word: "s" is a consonant, "m" is a consonant, and "l" is a consonant. Okay? And here we have the same; "s", "l", and "p" are consonants; "s", "p", and "r" and "t" are consonants. Okay?

Okay, so weve talked about vowels and weve talked about consonants. So now lets talk about consonant clusters. So, consonant clusters are where you have two or more consonants together in your pronunciation, and they... They make, like, one unit of sound. So, for example, we have here "s", which is a consonant, and "t" which is a consonant. So, when these two are together in the beginning or the end of a word, its a consonant cluster. So, we pronounce this, for example: "stair". So, the "st" is a consonant cluster. Or it can come at the end of a word, like: "last". And a lot of students have trouble with consonant clusters, because theyre... Theyre hard. Youre... Youre pronouncing a lot of different sounds together.

Heres another example of a consonant cluster. So, we have "f" which is a consonant, and we have "r" which is a consonant; together, theyre a consonant cluster. We might find this in the word "friend", or maybe a word like "free". Here we have "s" and "q". Well get back to "r" in a second. We have "s" and "q" together. So, if you think about this: "squirrel". So, "s" and "q" together. Im just going to remove that. "Squirrel". We have another consonant cluster, because "s" is a consonant and so is "q"; "q" is a consonant as well.

And then, finally, another example, we have the "g" sound and we have the "r" sound. Together, for example, in the beginning of "green", these two are both consonants, so they form a consonant cluster. So, I think youre sort of getting the idea. Theres a lot of consonant clusters in English, and these are hard to pronounce.

So, today were going to focus on consonant clusters that start with the letter "s" or that are in "s" words. Okay? So lets look at what I mean by this. You might see a word with "sm" in it, so for example: "small" - thats a consonant cluster with "s". You might see "sn", like "snake"; "sw", like "sword"; "st", like... Well, I was going to say "street"; thats more, like, here: "str" is "street". […]


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