FCE Speaking Exam Part Two - Cambridge FCE Speaking Test Advice

FCE Speaking Exam Part Two - Cambridge FCE Speaking Test Advice สาธารณะ

Oxford Online English

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In this lesson, you can see what to expect in part two of the FCE speaking exam and how to improve your score. You’ll see how the questions are structured, and you can learn useful phrases that will help you to compare photos and speculate on what could be happening. We’ll also look at sample questions and answers.

In part two of the FCE speaking test you’ll be given two photographs. You have to compare the two photos and answer a question about them. You’ll have about one minute for this. Your partner will then be asked a short question related to your photographs.

You can see the full version of this free English lesson here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fce-speaking-exam-part-two.

During part two of the FCE speaking exam, you need to:

- Compare the two photographs
- Speculate about what you think is happening
- Develop your ideas into longer, coherent answers

Youll see how to do all these things in this free English video lesson.

See more of our free English lessons on this page: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/free-english-lessons


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