Ukraine conflict continues - BBC News Review

Ukraine conflict continues - BBC News Review สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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By air, land, and sea, Russia has launched a devastating attack on Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people, and its forces are on the outskirts of the capital, Kyiv.

For months, President Vladimir Putin denied he would invade his neighbour, but then he tore up a peace deal, sending forces across borders in Ukraines north, east and south.

As the number of dead climbs, he stands accused of shattering peace in Europe. What happens next could jeopardise the continents entire security structure. [BBC News]

Key words and phrases:
spiral - quickly become worse
Fuel prices are spiralling out of control so I’m limiting how much I drive.
The currency has spiralled and is now almost worthless.

free fall - uncontrolled drop in value or strength
The value of shares has gone into free fall.
House prices are free falling now that mortgage rates have gone up.

rising to - working hard to overcome a difficult situation
You need to rise to the challenge and lead the team through the restructuring.
We rose to the challenge and completed the task on time.

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