Lockdown: Tips for parents coping with kids at home - 6 Minute English

Lockdown: Tips for parents coping with kids at home - 6 Minute English สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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How do you keep children educated and entertained at home in situations like the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic? Thats what Neil and Georgina discuss in this 6 Minute English. Theyll listen to an expert who gives parents tips on coping and teach you some useful vocabulary.

This weeks question
Under normal circumstances, which country has the longest school summer holidays? Is it:
A) Australia
B) Argentina
C) Italy
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

never having happened or existed before

coping skills
skills and methods a person uses to cope or deal with stressful situations

discuss with others to suggest ideas or solutions to a problem

a piece of something, often a large part

time when you relax and do not do very much

let off stream
do something to get rid of strong feelings like anger or excitement by expressing them without harming anyone

You can download text and audio from our website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-200430

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