Oysters: an eco-friendly delicacy? Watch Lingohack

Oysters: an eco-friendly delicacy? Watch Lingohack สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

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Thousands of Scottish oysters are being introduced to an estuary in north east England - 50 years after the species was wiped-out there by over-fishing. Its part of a so-called re-wilding project to improve the marine environment.

The story…
Oysters: an eco-friendly delicacy?

Learn language related to…
lakes and oceans

Need-to-know language
loch – word used for lake in Scotland

mudflats – area along the shore exposed by the rising and falling of the sea

reefs – lines of sand, rock and coral just beneath the surface of sea water

incoming tide – regular rising of the sea caused by the Moon

estuary – wide mouth of a river where it meets the sea

Answer this…
What can oysters form which benefits other sea animals?

Youll find the answer on our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/lingohack/ep-191106

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