What does the English word 'fib' mean?

What does the English word 'fib' mean? สาธารณะ

BBC Learning English

4 yปี
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What does the English word fib mean? Improve your English vocabulary with this free 3-minute English language tutorial.

Youll find a free downloadable transcript on our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/the-english-we-speak/ep-190826

Sometimes, telling the truth is hard to do. But why is Rob fibbing about his reason for being late? And is Feifei telling the truth either? We won’t teach you to lie, but you will learn how to use the word ‘fib’ in the programme.

For more English idioms and expressions, visit The English We Speak playlist: http://bit.ly/2WmnRuN

[Images: Getty Images]

For more free English lessons and videos visit our website: http://www.bbclearningenglish.com


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